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ХАDО® REVITALIZANT EX 120  for gasoline engines (blister package, tube 9 ml)
  • SKU: ХА 10335_1

ХАDО® REVITALIZANT EX 120 for gasoline engines (blister package, tube 9 ml)

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Revitalizant EX120 for Gasoline and LPG Engines.

Designed for restoration, repair, and antiwear protection of gasoline and LPG engines, including high-powered and turbocharged ones.

  • Restores friction parts of the cylinder-piston group, crank and gas distribution mechanisms and protects them from wear
  • Significantly reduces fuel consumption (up to 30% at idle)
  • Increases oil system pressure to the nominal level
  • Equalizes and increases compression in cylinders
  • Increases power of the engine, improves its acceleration capability
  • Reduces noise and vibration by 10 times
  • Extends the service life of units by 2–3 times
  • Protects the engine from the negative effects of a cold start
  • Improves engine performance already after 50–100 km
  • Allows engine operation in case of an emergency oil leakage up to 300 km

Forms a ceramic-metal coating on the surfaces of friction pairs (engine parts restore their geometry). As a result, the renewed unit surpasses the new one in terms of its operational characteristics and serves 2–4 times longer.

This REVITALIZANT® has increased effectiveness and a 120% greater concentration of the active component compared to classical products in tubes. Thanks to an improved formula and enhanced action, it has improved protective and restorative properties.

Detailed specifications


Engine treatment is carried out in three stages:

Stage 1. Introduce the contents of the syringe into the oil filler neck of the engine warmed up to the operating temperature. Start the engine and idle it for 5–10 minutes.

Stage 2 is carried out in the same manner after 100–250 km of run.

Stage 3 is carried out in the same manner after another 100–250 km of run.


The treatment is considered completed after at least 1,500 km of run.

  • It is not recommended to change the oil until the end of the treatment.
  • Treatment can be carried out at idle (4 h of idling are equal to 200 km of run).
  • New engines with up to 20,000 km of run should be treated in one stage.
  • Engines after overhaul should be treated in the usual manner in three stages.
  • Treatment of LPG engines is the same as treatment of gasoline engines.
  • A protective ceramic-metal coating is formed on any operable mechanism, however, if the mechanism (engine) is in critical condition (100% wear), it is necessary to replace the damaged parts.

The protective coating remains active for 60,000 km of run; after that, it is recommended to repeat the treatment.


Количество шприцов для новых двигателей

Oil system capacity, L 3-10 11-20 21-30
Number of 9 ml syringes, pcs. 3 6 9
Treatment scheme by stages 1+1+1 2+2+2 3+3+3
Number of syringes for new engines 2 4 6


After the treatment, your car will be under XADO super protection.


9 ml tube in a box, Art. ХА 10335_1